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Switch to green energy
Switch to a 100% renewable energy supplier for feel good energy, fuel security and you could even save money too
Harness the power of solar
Free heat and hot water
Cut your home electricity and heating bills in half plus get paid for the extra energy that you generate…
Energy News and Events
Adding Colors to the Colorless Electricity, Giving Wings to the World for a Flying Tomorrow!
Higher than ever, but not just too close to the Sun! The world today is not the world we...
Why is it incumbent to shift reliance from fossil fuels to renewable energy resources for all energy needs?
“There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically...
The Alternative Renewable Energy Resources Reduce Stress on The Planet
Alternative renewable energy resources have been a hot topic of discussions lately. With...
Letsgetenergized is making its return to champion Renewable Energy
This prototype Electric Tram is being tested in China, it runs on white painted lines in...
The final hurdle please help and support Mapperton Farm Solar Project
I received the following report from Good Energy this weekend and it appears that the...